Deirdre Boyd
Hazelden Publishing partners with international recovery advocate
Hazelden Publishing has announced a partnership with the addiction recovery organisation DB Recovery Resources (dba DB Recovery+). The new partnership will provide greater awareness...
Which comes first? Sex or drugs?
PDF: Concurrent sex and drugs - Paula Hall
Rock and Roll may have gone out of fashion, but it doesn’t look like sex and drugs ever...
Join us at DB Recovery+ Ukesad, 26+27 June 2023
A conference/training by people in recovery
for people in recovery
and anyone affected by addiction:
therapists, politicians, researchers, educators,
social/healthcare workers, families.
Click here to join our delegates
Addicts need support
PDF: Addicts need support - Prof Colin Drummond
With the Royal Family's Heads Together campaign, the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Changing Minds, the Sunday Express Crusade...
Therapists: Get over yourself
PDF version: Recovery Plus Autumn 2017 - therapist relationship
I recall, in my days in training in the mid 1970s, how much I wanted to be...
Help stop self-inflicted deaths
PDF: RecoveryPlus Nov 2017- Suicide prevention
Suicide is a global phenomenon. According to the World Health Organisation, about 800,000 people die by suicide every year: one...
How families can deal with addiction
PDF: Recovery Plus Autumn 2017 - How families can deal with addiction
We are nations in crisis. There is hardly a family that has not been...
Treatment of drug use disorders
PDF: RecoveryPlus Nov 2017 - Treatment of drug use disorders
Europe faces increasingly diverse and complex drug problems – as does the US and elsewhere. Heroin...
Manipulators and compassionate people
PDF: RecoveryPlus Nov 2017 - Manipulators & empathic people
Related article: The Empathy Trap by Tim & Jane McGregor
One of the most life-empowering principles in my...
Tackling traumatic aftermath of combat
Read PDF: Recovery Plus - Combat stress
Being a 31-year-old veteran with diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder makes my life pretty... interesting. I...