Deirdre Boyd
Legalisation: real statistics not ideology
Read in PDF format: Recovery Plus - Colorado marijuana statistics
Colorado serves as an experimental lab for not only the US but also other countries to...
Survive christmas + new year
PDF: Survive christmas and the new year
Although it is a christian festival, christmas has a huge impact on all our society. There are many implications for...
The empathy trap
Empathic people are natural targets for sociopaths - protect yourself.
Related reading: Wolf in sheep's clothing by George Simon.
People targeted by a sociopath often respond with...
ICAA joins Recovery Plus as NGO partner
PDF: RecoveryPlus Autumn 2017 - ICAA
Celebrating its 110th anniversary this year, the International Council on Alcoholism & Addictions is dedicated to preventing and reducing the harmful use...
Cycles of change: the latest research
PDF: RecoveryPlus Nov 2017 - Cycles of change
James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente’s ubiquitous ‘five stages of change’ seems to offer a scientific system to guide...
Shadow Health Minister at Recovery Plus/Nacoa Awards
How addiction occurs
DrugFam's series of interviews leading up to its event on 9 May - Westminster Abbey: A Service of Celebration and Hope, 'Lives Worth Talking About' - starts...
Catch up with today’s news
Yes, you can read the latest news and developments in the drug and alcohol treatment and recovery field on a daily basis. You...
Demystifying rehabs
Sadly, too many myths about “12-step treatment” for addictive disorders are held by too many people, even drug- and alcohol-treatment professionals and policy makers...
Drug testing: maze + map
The maze. Treatment programmes – and the passionate men and women who work in these environments – have long struggled with the decision to...