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Who are the unsung stars of the addiction recovery world?
The DB Recovery+ McLean Deconstructing Stigma Awards
are the ‘Oscars’ celebrating ‘stars’ in the field of recovery from addictive behaviours.
They recognise, celebrate and encourage...
Be one of six winners!
Read related article on mental health and 12 step facilitation
The first six people to email
with their postal addresses
will be mailed a free TSF-COD Workbook
Hazelden Publishing partners with international recovery advocate
Hazelden Publishing has announced a partnership with the addiction recovery organisation DB Recovery Resources (dba DB Recovery+). The new partnership will provide greater awareness...
ICAA joins Recovery Plus as NGO partner
PDF: RecoveryPlus Autumn 2017 - ICAA
Celebrating its 110th anniversary this year, the International Council on Alcoholism & Addictions is dedicated to preventing and reducing the harmful use...