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Mutual help: AA for drug users?

Read PDF: Recovery Plus - AA for drug addicts Mutual-help organisations such as AA and NA are commonly sought resources to help people recover for substance...

Legalisation: real statistics not ideology

Read in PDF format: Recovery Plus - Colorado marijuana statistics Colorado serves as an experimental lab for not only the US but also other countries to...

How addiction occurs

DrugFam's series of interviews leading up to its event on 9 May - Westminster Abbey: A Service of Celebration and Hope, 'Lives Worth Talking About' - starts...

Let’s celebrate lives in recovery

While recovery is without question a personal and individual experience, as unique to each individual as their finger print or their iris, there are...

Scientifically-informed recovery

Read PDF - click on PowerPoint logo in it for more research on effectiveness of mutual aid: Scientifically-informed recovery by Prof John Kelly Over the past...

Measuring recovery

‘‘You’re all going to hate the word ‘recovery’ by the end of this’’: Service users’ views of measuring addiction recovery is a research paper...