PDF: RecoveryPlus Autumn 2017 – ICAA
Celebrating its 110th anniversary this year, the International Council on Alcoholism & Addictions is dedicated to preventing and reducing the harmful use and effects of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and addictive behaviours on individuals, families, communities and society.
“We are delighted to extend this work by joining the 2018 Recovery Plus conference on World Drug Day by becoming its NGO (non-governmental organisation) partner,” said the ICAA management committee: president Peter Vamos of Portage, treasurer Hubert Sacy CM CQ of Éduc’alcool and CEO Peter Rorstad (pictured in pdf, top). “We look forward to meeting our international members – and future members – there, and exchanging international research and expertise.”
“DB Recovery is reciprocally honoured by ICAA’s participation,” founder Deirdre Boyd added. “We have long wanted to expand our treatment focus with prevention efforts, and ICAA gives this vital, lifesaving opportunity to our delegates.”
ICAA was first established as the International Bureau Against Alcoholism in 1907 during the 11th International Congress Against Alcoholism in Stockholm, Sweden, going on to become its organisational secretariat. Its headquarters were set up in Lausanne, Switzerland. Its contacts with international bodies such as the Health Secretariat of the League of Nations in Geneva presaged future cooperation in later years with the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, and other specialized agencies.
In 1968 and in line with the recommendations of the WHO’s Expert Committee on Services for the Prevention and Treatment of Dependence on Alcohol and other Drugs, it became the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions. It provides an informed consultative resource to bodies including the WHO and United Nations.
ICAA is a membership driven organisation. For people who are interested in addictive behaviours, whether as students, health or welfare professionals, politicians, researchers, therapists policy makers or educators, ICAA offers the unique chance to be part of a global organisation driven by scientific understanding, impartiality and a commitment to health improvement and harm reduction. ICAA members can evaluate and comment on addiction policy and strategy from within a global network of expert individuals and organisations. Subject to ICAA guidelines, membership is open to all organisations and individuals who share the values of ICAA.
Benefits for members of ICAA include:
> Reduced fee at ICAA events
> Access to a worldwide network of experts
> Access to a global network of information exchange
> Access to United Nations, WHO/World Health Organisation and specialised agencies
> Visibility through ICAA’s website and news letter
> Privileged access to the “ICAA Library – Archer Tongue Collection”.
You can get more information at http://www.icaa.ch and/or by emailing secretariat@icaa.ch.