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Parental alcohol misuse and children
PDF version - Recovery Plus - Parental alcohol misuse & children
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children of Alcoholics and the Office of the Children’s Commissioner...
Opioid deaths and family griefs
Read PDF version: RecoveryPlus 2018 - Saddest trend, grief
In the midst of a worldwide alcohol and opioid epidemic, the numbers of families and friends who...
How families can deal with addiction
PDF: Recovery Plus Autumn 2017 - How families can deal with addiction
We are nations in crisis. There is hardly a family that has not been...
Survive christmas + new year
PDF: Survive christmas and the new year
Although it is a christian festival, christmas has a huge impact on all our society. There are many implications for...
Shadow Health Minister at Recovery Plus/Nacoa Awards
Families affected by addiction – at work
You do not have to be an addict to suffer from addiction.
Given the often-overt evidence of addiction’s impact on substance users, it is easy...
Alert: perinatal substance use
Women of childbearing years represent about 1 out of every 4 individuals globally.
The total population of women aged 15-44 in the UK...
Help parents to help the next generation
Parents are a wonderfully powerful influence in their teenager’s lives. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence found that teens who learn about...
Help children of alcoholics
Childhood memories of growing up with an alcoholic father prompted the shadow health secretary to call for greater recognition of the damage done by...
Prevention: our next generation
Article 33 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child says that “States Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislative, administrative, social...