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Gratitude changes all
PDF version - Recovery Plus Nov 2018 - gratitude list
Today, I am privileged to work with people all over the globe, helping them rise to...
Predicting opioid misuse: clues
Read PDF: Recovery Plus - predicting opiate misuse
An estimated 20% of all patients presenting for non-cancer related pain at a doctor’s office are prescribed opioids...
Help stop self-inflicted deaths
PDF: RecoveryPlus Nov 2017- Suicide prevention
Suicide is a global phenomenon. According to the World Health Organisation, about 800,000 people die by suicide every year: one...
Survive christmas + new year
PDF: Survive christmas and the new year
Although it is a christian festival, christmas has a huge impact on all our society. There are many implications for...
1st government manifesto for children of alcoholics
Today sees the launch of the first ever manifesto for children of alcoholics at the House of Commons. Watch the moving video of...
World’s most effective anti-alcohol ad
An Australian ad showing alcohol being absorbed into the bloodstream, spreading and causing cancerous cell mutations in the liver, bowel and throat, has been...
Prevention: our next generation
Article 33 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child says that “States Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislative, administrative, social...